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Smaller and more intimate by design, Nolan Creek School offers a college preparatory curriculum pathway with the use of integrated technology and ample opportunities to develop personal character and citizenship by being part of a smaller, more supportive school culture. School officials emphasize a rigorous curriculum taught by certified and highly qualified teachers as defined by the No Child Left Behind School Act. The school is accredited by the Texas Education Agency.

S-T-E-A-M brands our approach to learning.

STEAM differs from STEM by the integration of Art into the other-wise “hard science” areas that include Engineering and Math. While adding one content area may seem to be an issue of semantics, it is the integration of Art and its specific content area TEKS that distinguish a STEAM program.

Due to our small size, the level of articulation and cooperation among our staff is higher than that of a traditional school district.  Not only can teachers cooperatively plan and create courses and curricula, but courses and skills can be aligned from kindergarten through 8th grade.

By nurturing students from an early age and working cooperatively with parents, our students are ready for the challenges that await them as adults as they are taught to enjoy learning and are able to create a positive school culture.  We encourage you to contact us with further questions and welcome you to visit our campus.


School Hours:
7:30 am - 2:55 pm